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25.12.2017 20:42 - Как Ционистите ни Откраднаха Рождество Христово https://bultimes.com/
Автор: nikikm Категория: Политика   
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Последна промяна: 25.12.2017 20:44

Как Ционистите ни Откраднаха Рождество Христово Публикувано на 25.12.2017 в Свят

Витлеем, родното място на Иисус, е под вражеска окупация. Ционистките окупатори мразят Исус и отхвърлят посланието Му.  Те редовно злоупотребяват и убиват мирни протестиращи.  Упоритите Витлеемски християни молеха повече от половин век за помощ, но глобалната християнска общност едва ли е наясно с тежкото си положение.

Израел отне 1967 година Източен Йерусалим, от палестинските араби. Официалната позиция на САЩ, както и на всяка друга нация на земята, с изключение на Израел, беше, че Израел трябва да се оттегли от цялата земя, която открадна в агресията си 1967 г., включително и от Йерусалим.



Дали защото християнството е победено?  Това със сигурност изглежда така.  На практика в Западна Европа, която преди беше водещ континент в християнската цивилизация, вече не е останало никакво християнство.  А тук в Съединените щати, най-мощната християнска страна на земята, където мнозинството от хората все още се наричат ​​ християни и посещават църква, Камарата на представителите на САЩ забрани Коледа и Великден.

Повече от 70% от американците са християни, а по-малко от 1,5% (поне – официално) са евреи.  Конгресът почита еврейските празници повече от християнските. Дали САЩ, като Израел, са станали “еврейска държава”?  Или просто са поредната територия, окупирана от Израел?

Рождество е празник за Иисус Христос.  И на Рождество се раздават подаръци, защото Иисус раздаде всичко, от Себе си, и не поиска нищо в замяна.

Но Ционизмът, не е по даването, а по вземането. Става въпрос за масови убийства на хора, за изгонване на хората, за събаряне на къщите им и за кражба на имуществото им.

В културно отношение, Рождество става все повече и повече ционистки празник, и все по-малко християнски.  То се превърна в оргия на материализма, фестивал на кича и фалша.  И кой стои зад всичко това?

– Ционизмът!

А Ционизмът е Антихрист.

Ще можем ли да си върнем откраднатото ни Рождество Христово?

Превод със съкращения, Григор Симов, от: How the Zionists Stole Christmas

How the Zionists Stole Christmas By Kevin Barrett - December 20, 2017 31 3418 image

By Kevin Barrett, Veterans Today Editor

Every who down in Whoville liked Christmas a lot…
But the Zionist haters of Jesus did not!

Bethlehem, the birthplace of Jesus, is under hostile occupation. The Zionist occupiers loathe Jesus and reject his message. They regularly brutalize and kill peaceful protestors. The oppressed Christians of Bethlehem have been begging for help for more than half a century. Yet the global Christian community is hardly aware of their plight. Why not? Ask the people who control the media.

A week before Christmas, after Sunday services at the Church of the Nativity, several dozen Palestinians gathered in Manger Square outside the church. They burned pictures of Mike Pence, the so-called “Christian Zionist” (a contradiction in terms, like “Christian Satanist”). The Palestinians sent a strong message that Pence, a deluded ally of the Jesus-hating Zionist Occupation, is unwelcome in the Holy Land.

Two weeks earlier, President Trump, likely influenced by his son-in-law, the Jewish Zionist Jared Kushner, had announced US recognition of Occupied Jerusalem as Israel’s capital. The move sent seismic waves of shock and outrage around the globe. The US, like the rest of the world, has always considered East Jerusalem, which Israel conquered in 1967, as Palestinian land. The official position of the US as well as every other nation on earth except Israel is that Israel must withdraw from all the land it stole in its 1967 war of aggression, including Jerusalem.

Trump just changed that—a move that is likely to provoke World War III. Some Christmas present!

Actually, it was more of a Hanukkah present. The President of the United States has seen fit to give away somebody else’s land—a land that has been continuously occupied by more or less the same people for many millennia, a people who are now being exterminated and ethnically cleansed by invaders from across the seas.

The President imagines he can give away the land of the Palestinians, the Holy Land of 4.3 billion people who love and revere Jesus (2.5 billion Christians and 1.8 billion Muslims), to a settler colonial state purporting to represent a religion of a few million people that considers Jesus a bastard and his mother a whore.

How can the world’s Christians allow such a thing?

Is it because Christianity has been defeated? It certainly looks that way. There is virtually no Christianity left in Western Europe, formerly the forefront of Christian civilization. Here in the United States, the most powerful Christian country on earth, where a majority of people still call themselves Christian and attend church in reasonably large numbers, the US House of Representatives closes down for three Jewish holidays (Passover, Rosh Hashanah, and Yom Kippur) and only two Christian holidays (Christmas and Easter).

More than 70% of Americans are Christians. Fewer than 1.5% are Jews. Yet Congress honors Jewish holidays more than Christian ones. Is the US, like Israel, becoming a “Jewish state”? Or is it just another Israeli-occupied territory?

Christmas is supposed to be about Jesus. It is supposed to be about giving. Jesus, like all the prophets, gave everything he had and asked for nothing in return.

Zionism is about taking. It is about mass murdering people, expelling people, moving into their houses and stealing their possessions.

Culturally, Christmas has become more and more Zionist and less and less Christian. It has become an orgy of materialism, a festival of kitsch and schmaltz. And who’s behind that?

One of the greatest 20th century poets once asked:

“And what rough beast, its hour come round at last, Slouches towards Bethlehem to be born?”

The answer to Yeats’ riddle is now clear. The beast’s name is Zionism.

Zionism is Antichrist.

Can the creature’s theft of Christmas be undone?




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